BA Numerical Reasoning Test Tutors
The most effective way of preparing for the BA numerical reasoning test is to combine both our excellent online practice tests with our expert numerical reasoning tutors. The tutors that we provide deliver private tuition specifically for these tests and we have tutors that are available during weekday mornings, afternoons and evenings. We also have tutors that are available during weekends. Numerical Reasoning Tutor is proud to offer a service that is flexible around graduate’s availability.
Numerical Reasoning Tutor has helped hundreds of graduates pass the British Airways numerical reasoning test. The expert tutors we provide have significantly higher pass rates and much better feedback scores than GCSE Maths or A-Level Maths tutors. There are a number of different question types that could arise during your numerical reasoning test, it is common that these tests change regularly, therefore is crucial that you cover all potential question types during your revision. Thankfully, our tutors have an in depth knowledge of all of the question types that could come up during the British Airways graduate scheme numerical reasoning test. Our tutors have an impressively high pass rate for first time applicants, which is why we are the number 1 provider of numerical reasoning tests and tuition. If you are preparing for the British Airways numerical reasoning test and would like to book a tutor or purchase our resources, then contact Numerical Reasoning Tutor today.
British Airways Numerical Reasoning Tests
British Airways graduate schemes are one of the most sought after graduate jobs you can apply for. Being in the aviation industry with the offer of excellent pay packets and a great chance of career progression you really have to work hard to be successful when applying for British Airways jobs. The assessments and online aptitude tests you have to pass may be unlike anything you have sat before. If this is the case, you will need to know all about the numerical reasoning test. The British Airways online assessments will consist of numerical reasoning, aptitude and psychometric tests. Please note that this is dependent on the individual graduate scheme you have applied for as some of the tests are designed specifically for different roles within British Airways. We offer market leading online resources and practice numerical reasoning tests, as well as numerical reasoning tuition, delivered by experts to help people pass what is considered the most challenging aptitude test.
Once you have completed the initial application form, you will need to sit a number of online assessments. These online assessments are known as numerical reasoning, aptitude and psychometric tests. The numerical reasoning test consists of a number of questions designed to test your numerical capability and is the test that most people struggle with. This test involves maths topics such as ratios, percentages and graphical analysis; therefore you will need to have studied hard to learn how to correctly answer each style of question. The style of the maths in these questions is different to GCSE and A-Level questions; they are usually applied to real life examples and involve complex data interpretation. British Airways uses these tests as one of the biggest ways of narrowing down the relevant graduate applicants that suit their criteria. This is consequently an absolute must to revise for.
At Numerical Reasoning Tutor we offer applicants of the British Airways graduate scheme access to our free online numerical reasoning practice tests, they can register to access all 11 of our practice tests, as well as detailed answer sheets and video solutions to each question type. The resources give you an in-depth analysis of how you have performed, what areas you exceeded at and which areas you struggled with. These tests have been designed in the same format as the actual British Airways numerical reasoning test, in order to give the essential experience and practice required to pass the test. If you have applied for, or are considering applying to one of the British Airways graduate schemes, try our free numerical reasoning practice test today before registering to one of our extensive online resource packages.
About the British Airways Graduate Scheme and Application Process
The British Airways graduate scheme is popular amongst many graduates from the top Universities. British Airways has graduate schemes in many areas of their business.
The application process to become part of the British Airways graduate scheme is as follows:
Stage 1: Online Application Form
You will be required to complete the British Airways online application form, where you will submit your CV and Cover letter. You will also be asked a number of qualifying questions to make sure you are right for the role you are applying for.
Stage 2: Online Assessments
After submitting your application form you will be invited to complete three online assessments; Numerical Reasoning, situational and a psychometric test. This is where you will need to have suitably revised using our online resources and private tuition.
Stage 3: Assessment Centre
If you have been successful at all the previous stages, you will be invited to attend an all-day assessment centre. You will be involved in a number of activities relating to the position you have applied for, these activities will include an interview, group discussion exercise and work related exercises.
Stage 4: Final Interview
Most of the programmes will include a final interview. This will be conducted by a couple of the managers within your area of the business.
Stage 5: The Offer
If you have been successful, you will be notified and given an offer of employment. You will then be invited to a ‘pre-employment check’ day before your first official day. If at this stage you have not been successful, you will be entitled to receive feedback for future assessment centres.
The British Airways numerical reasoning tests are comprised of a number of mathematical questions, relating to real life situations and graphs. They are practice aptitude tests that British Airways use as part of their selection process for their graduate scheme roles. British Airways is one of the most competitive graduate schemes in the country, which is why they use the numerical reasoning test to narrow down their graduate applicants to meet their criteria.
There are different resource providers out there but we believe Numerical Reasoning Practice Tests offer the best numerical reasoning practice tests. We provide online practice tests, detailed answer sheets and video solutions for each and every question type. Numerical Reasoning Tutor also provides expert tutors for the British Airways numerical reasoning test.
The pass mark for each numerical test varies depending on the specific British Airways graduate job you have applied for. The British Airways numerical reasoning test pass mark has been known to be as high as 80%. This is why it is crucial that you revise and prepare sufficiently for these tests.
These tests are designed to be tricky for graduates. It is important that you allow enough time to ensure that you are confident going into sitting the test. If you are thinking about applying to one of the British Airways graduate schemes start revising prior to submitting your initial application form.
It is no secret that these tests are designed to be challenging for graduates. They are reasonably tricky but it is like anything with a lot of practice and the right support they become easier. Those with a mathematical background are at an advantage but even so will have to get use to the format of the tests and the timing aspect of it as these tests are different to anything you will have sat before.
Absolutely, we offer private tuition delivered by numerical reasoning test expert. Our tutors have a track record of helping graduates pass the British Airways graduate scheme. Our tutors have an impressive pass rate, if you would like to book a tutor, contact us today.
This will vary from individual to individual and will depend on how rusty your Maths skills are and how high the pass mark is for the specific British Airways graduate scheme you have applied for. Some graduates will prefer to use online practice tests in order to get a feel for the question types, whilst others will prefer to have private tuition. We have found that graduates that accompany the online resources with the private tuition, have the highest pass rates on the British Airways numerical reasoning test.
Numerical Reasoning Tutor provides 10 online practice tests. These tests have been designed to give graduates the understanding for the style of questions they are going to be sitting during the British Airways numerical reasoning test. The online practice tests include similar questions to those that have previously been in numerical reasoning tests. Numerical Reasoning Tutor has found that if used correctly, the online practice tests are highly effective.