Lidl Numerical Reasoning Tests
If you have applied for the Lidl graduate scheme and submitted your online application, you will be due to sit their online assessment and Psychometric tests. If this is the case, you will need to know all about the numerical reasoning test. The Lidl online assessments will consist of numerical reasoning, aptitude and psychometric tests. We help graduates from anywhere and everywhere to prepare for the Lidl numerical reasoning test. It is likely that you will get asked to sot the first test via their online portal and then if you pass that and you are invited to the Lidl assessment centre then it is highly likely that you will be asked to sit another numerical reasoning test as some point during your assessment day. At Numerical Reasoning Tutor we are here to help you prepare specifically for your Lidl numerical reasoning test.
One of the most challenging stages of Lidl’s graduate scheme application process is the aptitude and psychometric tests you will have to sit after the initial online application form. Lidl uses these tests to help reduce the pool of applicants to a more manageable level, so that there is no manual input from their side or review of your application until you have passed these tests. As a result of the importance of these tests, it is crucial that you revise accordingly to ensure you pass them. The numerical reasoning test includes maths topics such as ratio and graphical analysis. Numerical Reasoning Tutor offers Lidl graduate scheme applicants access to our free online numerical reasoning test. This test has been designed to be the same format as the actual LIDL test in order to help you gain experience and practise using the most realistic tests. After completion of the free practice test, you can go on to register for the full range of tests and online resources we have available to help you with your Lidl numerical reasoning test. We offer 11 online practice tests, including detailed answer sheets for each and every question type. Our online practice tests are accompanied by video solutions, which will run through each of the tests, giving you an in depth review of how you have answered the questions. If you are applying for or considering applying to one of the Lidl graduate schemes then give yourself the edge and use our numerical reasoning practice tests to help you prepare.
Lidl Numerical Reasoning Tutors
The most effective way of suitably preparing for the Lidl numerical reasoning test is to accompany the use of our online practice tests with an expert numerical reasoning tutor. At Numerical Reasoning Tutor we provide numerical reasoning test expert tutors. The tutors that we provide deliver private tuition specifically for these tests, day in day out. We have tutors to suit your availability as they are available during the day time, during the evening and even during the weekend if required. Numerical Reasoning Tutor has helped hundreds of graduates get the results they are after. The expert tutors we provide have significantly higher pass rates and much better feedback scores than an ordinary GCSE Maths or A-Level Maths tutor. As each Lidl numerical reasoning test is different, there are a number of different question types that could arise during your test. Our tutors will be able to appropriately prepare you for each and every question type that may or may not come up in the test. With the help of our specialist tutors, trust that you will feel confident and ready to sit the Lidl numerical reasoning, aptitude and psychometric test. Our tutors have an impressively high pass rate for first time applicants and this is why we are the number 1 provider of numerical reasoning tests and tuition. If you are preparing for the Lidl numerical reasoning tests and would like to book a numerical reasoning test expert tutor, contact us today.
About the Lidl Graduate Scheme and Application Process
The Lidl graduate scheme application process is exceptionally challenging. Lidl has graduate schemes in buying, logistics and management. The application process to become part of the Lidl graduate scheme is as follows:
Stage 1: Online Application Form
You will be required to complete the Lidl online application form, where you will submit your CV and Cover letter into an online format that Lidl use.
Stage 2: Psychometric Tests
After submitting your LIDL application you will be asked to complete a series of psychometric and aptitude tests including the numerical reasoning test. If you are successful at scoring sufficient marks in these tests you will then be invited to the assessment centre.
Stage 3: Assessment Centre
The Lidl assessment centre is like many other graduate assessment centres in that there are group exercises and a competency based interview. You may also be asked to take another numerical reasoning test during the assessment day.
Numerical reasoning tests are used by many graduate employers, including Lidl to help differentiate between candidates. The reasons Lidl use this and other aptitude tests is to arrow down their graduate selection. They choose to do it this way as they have so many applicants it is a quick and easy way to significantly reduce the number of people who move onto the next stage of the application process.
There are books and revision materials for the Lidl numerical reasoning test but the best practise by far is using actual numerical reasoning tests like we have on our site.
The pass mark for each numerical test varies depending on the job or graduate scheme applied for. For example, it is reported that the pass mark for the Lidl graduate scheme is really high around 75%, whereas the pass mark for other graduate schemes may not be as high.
Numerical Reasoning Tutor is able to provide tuition to the whole of the UK. Our dedicated tutors will be able to help you with the Lidl numerical reasoning test no matter where you are in the country.
The Lidl numerical reasoning test is considered to be quite difficult. You will have to pass the online test before sitting another maths test at the assessment centre if you get there.
Yes we have expert numerical reasoning tutors who can help you with all aspects of your Lidl numerical reasoning practice. With expertise in this test they have better experience than any standard GCSE or A Level maths tutor.
This all depends on how confident you are with maths and how much practice you put in. Most people will need to practice quite a few tests to get use to the format of the Lidl numerical reasoning test and to familiarise yourself with the types of data questions that are presented. If you aren’t as confident with maths then you may decide to opt for a professional numerical reasoning tutor to help you pass.
Numerical Reasoning Tutor is able to provide tutors during weekdays, weekday evenings and even weekends. If you would like to book a numerical reasoning test expert tutor for the Lidl graduate scheme, contact us today.