L’Oreal Numerical Reasoning Tests
If you have applied for the L’Oreal management graduate scheme you will need to know all about the numerical reasoning tests. The numerical reasoning tests are one of the most difficult stages of the L’Oreal graduate scheme. This test is a part of a series of aptitude tests that you will need to pass in order to get invited to the L’Oreal assessment centre. At the L’Oreal assessment centre you will be asked to sit another numerical reasoning test to ensure that your first online test was genuine and not a fluke. The L’Oreal graduate ep,loyment route is a highly competitive one and most applicants will be unsuccessful so you have to make sure you prepare effectively for each stage of the application process.
The L’Oreal psychometric and aptitude tests have been specifically designed by L’Oreal to pose a real challenge so that they can reduce the number of applicants at each stage of the process. These psychometric tests involve a numerical reasoning test which tests your ability to interpret data, ratio, percentages and other areas of maths which you may not use on a day to day basis which is why it is so important to practice.
At Numerical Reasoning Tutor we offer L’Oreal graduate scheme applicants access to our free online numerical reasoning tests. These tests are in the same format to the real tests that you have to do. We offer 11 online practice tests, including detailed answer sheets for each and every one of the practice tests. Our online practice tests are accompanied by video solutions, which run through each of the tests, showing you how to complete each question. If you are applying for or considering applying to the L’Oreal management graduate scheme then use Numerical Reasoning Tutor to help you over the numerical reasoning test.
L’Oreal Numerical Reasoning Tutors
Along with numerical reasoning practice tests an expert numerical reasoning tutor can be an excellent way to prepare for your online and assessment centre test. At Numerical Reasoning Tutor we provide numerical reasoning test experts. Our tutors deliver private tuition specifically for these tests. Whether you are finding data interpretation difficult or it is just the timing aspect of the exam, our tutors will be able to show you methods to help you conquer the parts of the L’Oreal numerical reasoning test that you are finding difficult. The tuition is always tailored to the individual to ensure you are helped with the areas of the test you are finding most difficult. With Numerical Reasoning Tutor you have the best chance of passing your numerical reasoning test and progressing with your L’Oreal graduate scheme application.
About the L’Oreal Graduate Scheme and Application Process
The L’Oreal graduate scheme is highly competitive with thousands of graduate applying to it each year. The application process is lengthy and like many top graduate employers you will have to progress through multiple stages before getting close to a job offer. However, like many other top graduate jobs the L’oreal jobs are highly rewarding, both financially as all as increased opportunities to progress within the company.
In order to receive one of those elusive L’Oreal joboffers you will need to pass a series of psychometric tests. The most difficult is usually the numerical reasoning test and this is the one that most graduates fall down on.
If you are applying for a L’Oreal graduate scheme job and need help with your numerical reasoning test, think Numerical Reasoning Tutor.
Unilever is one of the largest companies that operates in England. Consequently Unilever receives thousands of applicants from graduates every year for their graduate scheme roles. Certain Unilever graduates roles may require a certain level of numerical ability, which is why they use the numerical reasoning tests as part of the application process. The Unilever numerical reasoning test is designed to narrow down the number of applicants so that they only have to interview those that pass the test. This is why it is so important if you are strongly considering applying for a position with Unilever, that you sufficiently prepare for the Unilever numerical reasoning test.
Numerical Reasoning Tutor has a free online practice test and a further 10 practice tests. The practice tests that we provide include questions that have commonly come up in recent numerical reasoning tests. The questions are designed to be a very similar format to the actual test graduates will sit during their application for graduate schemes. Numerical Reasoning Tutor also provides detailed answer sheets as well as video solutions for every question type.
Every companies numerical reasoning test is different. L’Oreal has been known to have their pass rate for their numerical reasoning test as high as 75%. This is why it is so important to ensure you have revised the correct amount before sitting the L’Oreal numerical reasoning test.
Should you have been successful at the numerical reasoning stage, you will be invited to attend an interview.
They are reasonably tricky but it is like anything with a lot of practice and the right support they become easier. Those with a mathematical background are at an advantage but even so will have to get use to the format of the tests and the timing aspect of it.
We have numerical reasoning tutors who help people prepare for their graduate jobs, NHS nurse tests, the Army Maths tests and all of the different professional careers which require you to first pass a numerical aptitude test.
This will vary from individual to individual and will depend on how rusty your Maths skills are and how high the pass mark is for the specific graduate scheme or job you are applying to. Most people will need to practise for their exam by going through many numerical reasoning tests online. Others may require a numerical reasoning test tutor to help learn the correct methods for the different types of questions that come up.
Numerical Reasoning Tutor is able to provide tutors during the weekday morning, weekday evenings and weekends.