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Functional Skills Courses

Here at Numerical Reasoning Practice Tests we always aim to help students as much as we can with what they need for their studies. The popular option right now for qualifications are the functional skills courses. They have courses in English and maths that if passed, can be useful for many things as they are GCSE equivalent. If you are looking to proceed into higher education with this qualification, Universities do accept it as a GCSE as well as employers who require it. Apprenticeship programs also require some form of qualifications equal to a GCSE grade C to finish so functional skills are a great option. Functional skills qualifications are perfect to put on your applications whether you are going into University or into a new job. 


When looking for functional skills course providers all learners are reminded to make sure that they are Ofqual regulated. Every course that we recommend to learners have a great record in terms of passing rates and are all Ofqual regulated. These courses will test students on their knowledge of maths and English through different exercises and problems. Video tutorials are also at their disposal if they need explanations on how to complete and finish the different problems. 


 Here are some of the frequently asked questions we get about functional skills:


What is the GCSE equivalent of functional skills?

It is equivalent to a level 4 or a GCSE grade C.


Where can I take the course from?

Wherever you feel is best! You are free to take it from the comfort of your own home if you wish to do so.


Will I be able to get into Universities and jobs with functional skills qualifications? 

Yes you will. As long as it is Ofqual regulated then Universities and most employers will accept it as GCSE equivalent qualifications.


How long will it take for me to finish the course?

The recommended time for this course is 50 hours for maths and 50 hours for English so you are looking at around 100 hours total study time.
